June 16 Birthday Events Poster
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Historical Events

The following events took place on . The list is arranged in chronological order.

Found 53 events. Showing 1 - 30.

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  • 363
    Emperor Julian marches back up the Tigris and burns his fleet of supply ships. During the withdrawal Roman forces suffered several attacks from the Persians.
  • 632
    Yazdegerd III ascends to the throne as king (shah) of the Persian Empire. He becomes the last ruler of the Sasanian dynasty (modern Iran).
  • 1407
    Ming–Hồ War: Retired King Hồ Quý Ly and his son King Hồ Hán Thương of Hồ dynasty are captured by the Ming armies.
  • 1487
    Battle of Stoke Field, the final engagement of the Wars of the Roses.
  • Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir and successor.
  • War of the Austrian Succession: New England colonial troops under the command of William Pepperrell capture the French Fortress of Louisbourg in Louisbourg, Nova Scotia (Old Style).
  • War of Austrian Succession: Austria and Sardinia defeat a Franco-Spanish army at the Battle of Piacenza.
  • French and Indian War: The French surrender Fort Beauséjour to the British, leading to the expulsion of the Acadians.
  • Foundation of Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
  • Spain declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Great Siege of Gibraltar begins.
  • First Battle of Groix otherwise known as “Cornwallis’ Retreat”.
  • Battle of Ligny and Battle of Quatre Bras, two days before the Battle of Waterloo.
  • At the Villa Diodati, Lord Byron reads Fantasmagoriana to his four house guests — Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and John Polidori — and challenges each guest to write a ghost story, which culminates in Mary Shelley writing the novel Frankenstein, John Polidori writing the short story The Vampyre, and Byron writing the poem Darkness.
  • The formation of the London Working Men’s Association gives rise to the Chartist Movement.
  • The Papal conclave of 1846 elects Pope Pius IX, beginning the longest reign in the history of the papacy.

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  • Abraham Lincoln delivers his House Divided speech in Springfield, Illinois.
  • The Battle of Morar takes place during the Indian Mutiny.
  • The University Tests Act allows students to enter the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Durham without religious tests (except for those intending to study theology).
  • The Victoria Hall theatre panic in Sunderland, England kills 183 children.
  • The first purpose-built roller coaster, LaMarcus Adna Thompson’s “Switchback Railway”, opens in New York’s Coney Island amusement park.
  • John Abbott becomes Canada’s third Prime Minister.
  • A treaty annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States is signed; the Republic would not be dissolved until a year later.
  • The Ford Motor Company is incorporated.
  • Roald Amundsen commences the first east-west navigation of the Northwest Passage, leaving Oslo, Norway.
  • Eugen Schauman assassinates Nikolay Bobrikov, Governor-General of Finland.
  • Irish author James Joyce begins a relationship with Nora Barnacle and subsequently uses the date to set the actions for his novel Ulysses; this date is now traditionally called “Bloomsday”.
  • IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York.
  • A 772 gram stony meteorite strikes the earth near Kilbourn, Wisconsin damaging a barn.
  • Foundation of the British Women’s Institute.
  • General election in the Irish Free State: The pro-Treaty Sinn Féin win a large majority.