June 23 Birthday Events Poster
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Historical Events

The following events took place on . The list is arranged in chronological order.

Found 56 events. Showing 31 - 56.

  • World War II: German leader Adolf Hitler surveys newly defeated Paris in now occupied France.
  • The Lithuanian Activist Front declares independence from the Soviet Union and forms the Provisional Government of Lithuania; it lasts only briefly as the Nazis will occupy Lithuania a few weeks later.
  • World War II: The first selections for the gas chamber at Auschwitz take place on a train full of Jews from Paris.
  • World War II: Germany’s latest fighter aircraft, a Focke-Wulf Fw 190, is captured intact when it mistakenly lands at RAF Pembrey in Wales.
  • World War II: The British destroyers HMS Eclipse and HMS Laforey sink the Italian submarine Ascianghi in the Mediterranean after she torpedoes the cruiser HMS Newfoundland.
  • The 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake strikes Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
  • The National Democratic Front wins a landslide victory in the municipal elections in French India.
  • The United States Senate follows the United States House of Representatives in overriding U.S. President Harry Truman’s veto of the Taft–Hartley Act.
  • The French National Assembly takes the first step in creating the French Community by passing the Loi Cadre, transferring a number of powers from Paris to elected territorial governments in French West Africa.
  • The Dutch Reformed Church accepts women ministers.
  • Convicted Manhattan Project spy Klaus Fuchs is released after only nine years in prison and allowed to emigrate to Dresden, East Germany where he resumes a scientific career.
  • A fire in a resort hotel in Stalheim (Norway) kills 34 people.
  • The United States Food and Drug Administration declares Enovid to be the first officially approved combined oral contraceptive pill in the world.

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  • Cold War: The Antarctic Treaty, which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent, comes into force after the opening date for signature set for the December 1, 1959.
  • Cold War: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin in Glassboro, New Jersey for the three-day Glassboro Summit Conference.
  • Warren E. Burger is sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court by retiring Chief Justice Earl Warren.
  • IBM announces that effective January 1970 it will price its software and services separately from hardware thus creating the modern software industry.
  • Watergate scandal: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon and White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman are taped talking about using the Central Intelligence Agency to obstruct the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation into the Watergate break-ins.
  • Title IX of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 is amended to prohibit sexual discrimination to any educational program receiving federal funds.
  • A fire at a house in Hull, England which kills a six-year-old boy is passed off as an accident; it later emerges as the first of 26 deaths by fire caused over the next seven years by arsonist Peter Dinsdale.
  • Chinese American Vincent Chin dies in a coma after being beaten in Highland Park, Michigan on June 19, by two auto workers who had mistaken him for Japanese and who were angry about the success of Japanese auto companies.
  • A terrorist bomb aboard Air India Flight 182 brings the Boeing 747 down off the coast of Ireland killing all 329 aboard.
  • Ashton Eaton breaks the decathlon world record at the United States Olympic Trials.
  • Nik Wallenda becomes the first man to successfully walk across the Grand Canyon on a tight rope.
  • About 16 militants stormed a high-altitude mountaineering base camp near Nanga Parbat in Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan and killed 10 climbers, as well as a local guide.
  • The last of Syria’s declared chemical weapons are shipped out for destruction.

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