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May 28 Birthday Events Poster

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May 28 Historical Events

The following events took place on May 28. The list is arranged in chronological order.

Found 49 events. Showing 1 - 30.

  • 585 BC
    A solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by the Greek philosopher and scientist Thales, while Alyattes is battling Cyaxares in the Battle of Halys, leading to a truce. This is one of the cardinal dates from which other dates can be calculated.
  • 621
    Battle of Hulao: Li Shimin, the son of the Chinese emperor Gao Zu, defeats the numerically superior forces of Dou Jiande near the Hulao Pass (Henan). This victory decides the outcome of the civil war that followed the Sui dynasty’s collapse in favour of the Tang dynasty.
  • 1503
    James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor are married according to a papal bull by Pope Alexander VI. A Treaty of Everlasting Peace between Scotland and England signed on that occasion results in a peace that lasts ten years.
  • 1533
    The Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, declares the marriage of King Henry VIII of England to Anne Boleyn valid.
  • 1588
    The Spanish Armada, with 130 ships and 30,000 men, sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal, heading for the English Channel. (It will take until May 30 for all ships to leave port.)
  • 1644
    Bolton Massacre by Royalist troops under the command of James Stanley, 7th Earl of Derby.
  • 1754
    French and Indian War: In the first engagement of the war, Virginia militia under the 22-year-old Lieutenant colonel George Washington defeat a French reconnaissance party in the Battle of Jumonville Glen in what is now Fayette County in southwestern Pennsylvania.
  • 1830
    U.S. President Andrew Jackson signs the Indian Removal Act which relocates Native Americans.
  • 1871
    Fall of the Paris Commune.
  • 1892
    In San Francisco, John Muir organizes the Sierra Club.
  • 1900
    Gare d'Orsay railway station is inaugurated in Paris.
  • 1905
    Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of Tsushima ends with the destruction of the Russian Baltic Fleet by Admiral Tōgō Heihachirō and the Imperial Japanese Navy.
  • 1907
    The first Isle of Man TT race was held.
  • 1918
    The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the First Republic of Armenia declare their independence.
  • 1926
    The 28 May 1926 coup d'état: Ditadura Nacional is established in Portugal to suppress the unrest of the First Republic.
  • 1932
    In the Netherlands, construction of the Afsluitdijk is completed and the Zuiderzee bay is converted to the freshwater IJsselmeer.
  • 1934
    Near Callander, Ontario, Canada, the Dionne quintuplets are born to Oliva and Elzire Dionne; they will be the first quintuplets to survive infancy.
  • 1936
    Alan Turing submits On Computable Numbers for publication.
  • 1936
    Klaipėda Radio Station begins regular broadcasting.
  • 1937
    The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California, is officially opened by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington, D.C., who pushes a button signaling the start of vehicle traffic over the span.
  • 1937
    Volkswagen (VW), the German automobile manufacturer is founded.
  • 1940
    World War II: Belgium surrenders to Nazi Germany to end the Battle of Belgium.
  • 1940
    World War II: Norwegian, French, Polish and British forces recapture Narvik in Norway. This is the first allied infantry victory of the War.
  • 1942
    World War II: In retaliation for the assassination attempt on Reinhard Heydrich, Nazis in Czechoslovakia kill over 1,800 people.
  • 1948
    Daniel François Malan is elected as Prime Minister of South Africa. He later goes on to implement Apartheid.
  • 1951
    The British radio comedy program The Goon Show is broadcast on the BBC for the first time.
  • 1952
    The women of Greece are granted the right to vote.
  • 1958
    Cuban Revolution: Fidel Castro’s 26th of July Movement, heavily reinforced by Frank Pais Militia, overwhelm an army post in El Uvero.
  • 1961
    Peter Benenson’s article The Forgotten Prisoners is published in several internationally read newspapers. This will later be thought of as the founding of the human rights organization Amnesty International.
  • 1964
    The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed.

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