Here’s the epic list of celebrities celebrating st as their birthday. The list is arranged in chronological order and ONLY includes actors, actresses, models, singers, rappers and producers. Click the after the name to explore the birth date info and know the meaning of their life path number.
The zodiac sign of a person born on is Leo♌.
Found 77 celebrities. Showing 61 - 77.
Kacey Musgraves, American singer-songwriter and guitarist. Life path number 1
Louise Setara, English singer-songwriter. Life path number 1
Paris Bennett, American singer. Life path number 1
Whitney Sloan, English actress. Life path number 1
Elarica Gallacher, English actress. Life path number 2
Hayden Panettiere, American actress and singer. Life path number 2
Rob Knox, English actor (d. 2008). Life path number 2
Big Chocolate, American singer-songwriter, and producer (Burning the Masses). Life path number 3
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Bo Burnham, American comedian, singer-songwriter, and actor. Life path number 3
Demy, Greek singer. Life path number 4
Tess Gaerthé, Dutch singer. Life path number 4
Brad Kavanagh, English singer-songwriter and actor. Life path number 5
RJ Mitte, American actor and producer. Life path number 5
Song Seung-hyun, Korean singer, guitarist and actor (F.T. Island). Life path number 5
Jacqueline Emerson, American actress and singer (Devo 2.0). Life path number 7
Jamia Simone Nash, American singer and actress. Life path number 9