Famous People With “Andrzej Gawronski”
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The epic list contains 13 individuals. Showing 1 - 13.
- – Andrzej Gawroński, Polish linguist and academic (d. 1927). Life path number 3
- – Andrzej Panufnik, Polish pianist, composer, and conductor (d. 1991). Life path number 3
- – Andrzej Wajda, Polish director, producer, and screenwriter. Life path number 9
- – Andrzej Zawada, Polish mountaineer and author (d. 2000). Life path number 7
- – Andrzej Badeński, Polish-German sprinter (d. 2008). Life path number 4
- – Andrzej Sapkowski, Polish author and translator. Life path number 4
- – Andrzej Czok, Polish mountaineer (d. 1986). Life path number 8
- – Andrzej Fischer, Polish footballer. Life path number 6
- – Andrzej Lepper, Polish politician, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland. Life path number 11
- – Andrzej Morozowski, Polish journalist and author. Life path number 5
- – Andrzej Buncol, Polish footballer. Life path number 9
- – Andrzej Kobylański, Polish footballer and manager. Life path number 1
- – Andrzej Pilipiuk, Polish author. Life path number 8