Famous People With “Harry Leon Wilson”
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The epic list contains 649 individuals. Showing 1 - 45.
- – Harry Leon Wilson, American author and playwright (d. 1939). Life path number 6
- – Harry Wilson, English-American actor and singer (d. 1987). Life path number 4
- August 15, 1171 – Alfonso IX of León (d. 1230). Life path number 6
- February 18, 1404 – Leon Battista Alberti, Italian painter and philosopher (d. 1472). Life path number 2
- November 16, 1436 – Leonardo Loredan, Italian ruler (d. 1521). Life path number 5
- April 15, 1452 – Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect (d. 1519). Life path number 4
- January 17, 1501 – Leonhart Fuchs, German physician and botanist (d. 1566). Life path number 7
- June 21, 1535 – Leonhard Rauwolf, German physician and botanist (d. 1596). Life path number 5
- – John Wilson, English composer and educator (d. 1674). Life path number 11
- – Isabella Leonarda, Italian composer and educator (d. 1704). Life path number 6
- – Leonardo Leo, Italian composer (d. 1744). Life path number 6
- – Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician and physicist (d. 1783). Life path number 7
- – Richard Wilson, Welsh painter and academic (d. 1782). Life path number 4
- – Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Austrian philosopher and academic (d. 1823). Life path number 11
- – Nathan Wilson, American soldier and politician (d. 1834). Life path number 11
- – Alexander Wilson, Scottish-American poet, ornithologist, and illustrator (d. 1813). Life path number 6
- – Samuel Wilson, American meat-packer, namesake of Uncle Sam (d. 1854). Life path number 6
- – John Wilson, Scottish author and critic (d. 1854). Life path number 8
- – John Corry Wilson Daly, Canadian businessman and politician (d. 1878). Life path number 5
- – Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, French physicist and engineer (d. 1832). Life path number 3
- – Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de Lamoricière, French general and politician, French Minister of War (d. 1865). Life path number 2
- – Henry Wilson, American colonel and politician, 18th Vice President of the United States (d. 1875). Life path number 3
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- – James Milne Wilson, Scottish-Australian soldier and politician, 8th Premier of Tasmania (d. 1880). Life path number 7
- – Samuel Leonard Tilley, Canadian pharmacist and politician, 3rd Premier of New Brunswick (d. 1896). Life path number 22
- – Léon Foucault, French physicist and academic (d. 1868). Life path number 1
- – Jean-Léon Gérôme, French painter and sculptor (d. 1904). Life path number 22
- – Harry Atkinson, English-New Zealand politician, 13th Prime Minister of New Zealand (d. 1892). Life path number 7
- – Léon Walras, French-Swiss economist and theorist (d. 1910). Life path number 8
- – Léon Gambetta, French lawyer and politician, 45th Prime Minister of France (d. 1882). Life path number 8
- – Wilson Barrett, English actor, playwright, and manager (d. 1904). Life path number 3
- – Léon Bloy, French author and poet (d. 1917). Life path number 1
- – Leonard Darwin, English soldier, eugenicist, and politician (d. 1943). Life path number 3
- – Léon Bourgeois, French police officer and politician, 64th Prime Minister of France, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1925). Life path number 5
- – Léon Moreaux, French target shooter (d. 1921). Life path number 11
- – Daniel De Leon, Curaçaoan-American journalist and politician (d. 1914). Life path number 6
- – Léon Teisserenc de Bort, French meteorologist and climatologist (d. 1913). Life path number 8
- – Woodrow Wilson, American historian and politician, 28th President of the United States, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1924). Life path number 6
- – Léon Charles Thévenin, French engineer (d. 1926). Life path number 9
- – Ruggero Leoncavallo, Italian composer (d. 1919). Life path number 3
- – Harry Gordon Selfridge, American-English businessman, founded Selfridges (d. 1947). Life path number 7
- – Harry Johnston, English botanist and explorer (d. 1927). Life path number 4
- – Léon Serpollet, French businessman (d. 1903). Life path number 9
- – Wilson Kettle, Canadian centenarian (d. 1963). Life path number 9
- – Leonidas Paraskevopoulos, Greek general and politician (d. 1936). Life path number 5
- – Léon Boëllmann, French organist and composer (d. 1897). Life path number 6