Famous People With “Johann Georg Baiter”
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The epic list contains 1,157 individuals. Showing 1 - 45.
- – Johann Georg Baiter, Swiss philologist and scholar (d. 1887). Life path number 1
- – Johann Georg Graevius, German scholar and critic (d. 1703). Life path number 6
- – Johann Georg Gichtel, German mystic (d. 1710). Life path number 8
- – Johann Georg Pisendel, German violinist and composer (d. 1755). Life path number 6
- – Johann Georg Walch, German theologian and author (d. 1775). Life path number 6
- – Johann Georg Estor, German historian and theorist (d. 1773). Life path number 1
- – Johann Georg Reutter, Austrian organist and composer (d. 1772). Life path number 8
- – Johann Georg Palitzsch, German astronomer (d. 1788). Life path number 3
- – Johann George Tromlitz, German flute player and composer (d. 1805). Life path number 7
- – Johann Georg Hamann, German philosopher and author (d. 1788). Life path number 1
- – Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Austrian composer and theorist (d. 1809). Life path number 4
- May 30, 1423 – Georg von Peuerbach, German mathematician and astronomer (d. 1461). Life path number 9
- March 16, 1445 – Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg, Swiss priest and theologian (d. 1510). Life path number 6
- October 21, 1449 – George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, Irish-English son of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York (d. 1478). Life path number 4
- December 10, 1452 – Johannes Stöffler, German mathematician and astronomer (d. 1531). Life path number 7
- November 9, 1455 – Johann V of Nassau-Vianden-Dietz (d. 1516). Life path number 8
- February 1, 1462 – Johannes Trithemius, German lexicographer, historian, and cryptographer (d. 1516). Life path number 7
- February 14, 1468 – Johannes Werner, German priest and mathematician (d. 1522). Life path number 8
- August 27, 1471 – George, Duke of Saxony (d. 1539). Life path number 3
- January 16, 1477 – Johannes Schöner, German astronomer and cartographer (d. 1547). Life path number 9
- January 17, 1484 – George Spalatin, German priest and reformer (d. 1545). Life path number 8
- March 4, 1484 – George, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (d. 1543). Life path number 6
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- June 24, 1485 – Johannes Bugenhagen, Polish-German priest and reformer (d. 1558). Life path number 3
- November 13, 1486 – Johann Eck, German theologian and academic (d. 1543). Life path number 7
- March 19, 1488 – Johannes Magnus, Swedish archbishop and theologian (d. 1544). Life path number 7
- March 24, 1494 – Georgius Agricola, German mineralogist and scholar (d. 1555). Life path number 9
- April 20, 1494 – Johannes Agricola, German theologian and reformer (d. 1566). Life path number 6
- April 25, 1502 – Georg Major, German theologian and academic (d. 1574). Life path number 1
- November 15, 1511 – Johannes Secundus, Dutch poet and author (d. 1536). Life path number 7
- April 23, 1516 – Georg Fabricius, German poet, historian, and archaeologist (d. 1571). Life path number 4
- September 11, 1525 – John George, Elector of Brandenburg (d. 1598). Life path number 6
- October 1, 1540 – Johann Jakob Grynaeus, Swiss pastor and theologian (d. 1617). Life path number 3
- September 10, 1547 – George I, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (d. 1596). Life path number 9
- October 19, 1562 – George Abbot, English archbishop and academic (d. 1633). Life path number 7
- May 22, 1570 – Johann II, Duke of Saxe-Weimar (d. 1605). Life path number 4
- December 27, 1571 – Johannes Kepler, German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer (d. 1630). Life path number 8
- December 27, 1572 – Johannes Vodnianus Campanus, Czech poet, playwright, and composer (d. 1622). Life path number 9
- March 2, 1578 – George Sandys, English poet (d. 1644). Life path number 8
- July 6, 1580 – Johann Stobäus, German lute player and composer (d. 1646). Life path number 9
- October 17, 1582 – Johann Gerhard, German theologian and academic (d. 1637). Life path number 7
- – John George I, Elector of Saxony (d. 1656). Life path number 9
- – Johann Schein, German composer (d. 1630). Life path number 5
- – Johannes Fabricius, German astronomer and academic (d. 1616). Life path number 3
- – Johann Andreas Herbst, German composer and theorist (d. 1666). Life path number 1
- – George Wither, English poet (d. 1667). Life path number 3