Famous People With “Nancy Grace”
The list is sorted by relevance and includes celebrities like actors, actresses, models, singers, rappers, and producers. Click the birth date before the name to explore the birth date info and know the meaning of the life path number. Click the icon for Love Match compatibility test.
The epic list contains 115 individuals. Showing 1 - 45.
- – Nancy Grace, American lawyer and journalist. Life path number 3
- – Nancy Storace, English soprano (d. 1817). Life path number 3
- – Nancy Lincoln, American mother of Abraham Lincoln (d. 1818). Life path number 9
- – Grace Darling, English lighthouse keeper (d. 1842). Life path number 5
- – W. G. Grace, English cricketer and physician (d. 1915). Life path number 1
- – Grace Abbott, American social worker (d. 1939). Life path number 7
- – Grace Coolidge, American wife of Calvin Coolidge; 32nd First Lady of the United States (d. 1957). Life path number 11
- – Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor, American-English politician (d. 1964). Life path number 4
- – Grace Brown, American murder victim (d. 1906). Life path number 1
- – Grace Moore, American soprano and actress (d. 1947). Life path number 7
- – Grace Stafford, American actress (d. 1992). Life path number 22
- – Nancy Mitford, English journalist and author (d. 1973). Life path number 8
- – Grace Hopper, American admiral and computer scientist, designed COBOL (d. 1992). Life path number 1
- – Nancy Wake, New Zealand-English captain (d. 2011). Life path number 6
- – Grace Lee Boggs, American philosopher, author, and activist (d. 2015). Life path number 22
- – Nancy Kelly, American actress (d. 1995). Life path number 5
- – Nancy Reagan, American actress, 40th First Lady of the United States. Life path number 8
- – Nancy Kulp, American actress and soldier (d. 1991). Life path number 4
- – Grace Hartigan, American painter and educator (d. 2008). Life path number 9
- – Nancy Walker, American actress and director (d. 1992). Life path number 11
- – Grace Paley, American author and poet (d. 2007). Life path number 1
- – Nancy Keesing, Australian author and poet (d. 1993). Life path number 22
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- – Nancy Buckingham, English author. Life path number 7
- – Mary Grace Canfield, American actress (d. 2014). Life path number 1
- – Grace Metalious, American author (d. 1964). Life path number 6
- – Nancy Roman, American astronomer. Life path number 2
- – Nancy Spero, American painter and academic (d. 2009). Life path number 5
- – Nancy Marchand, American actress and singer (d. 2000). Life path number 9
- – Nancy Olson, American actress. Life path number 5
- – Nancy Littlefield, American director and producer (d. 2007). Life path number 3
- – Grace Kelly, American-Monacan actress and singer (d. 1982). Life path number 8
- – Grace Lee Whitney, American actress and singer (d. 2015). Life path number 9
- – Nancy Kassebaum, American businesswoman and politician. Life path number 6
- – Nancy Whiskey, Scottish-English singer (d. 2003). Life path number 7
- – Nancy Malone, American actress, director, and producer (d. 2014). Life path number 4
- – Nancy Willard, American author and poet. Life path number 6
- – Nancy Dussault, American actress and singer. Life path number 1
- – Grace Bumbry, American soprano and actress. Life path number 7
- – Nancy Wilson, American singer and actress. Life path number 6
- – Nancy Holt, American sculptor and painter (d. 2014). Life path number 3
- – Nancy Garden, American author (d. 2014). Life path number 5
- – Ti-Grace Atkinson, American author and critic. Life path number 5
- – Nancy Kwan, Hong Kong-American actress and makeup artist. Life path number 1
- – Grace Slick, American singer-songwriter and model (Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, and The Great Society). Life path number 8
- – Nancy Graves, American artist (d. 1995). Life path number 3