Famous People With “Paul Gilbert”
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The epic list contains 1,013 individuals. Showing 46 - 90.
- – Gilbert Abbott à Beckett, English journalist and author (d. 1856). Life path number 3
- – Paul Reuter, German-English journalist, founded Reuters (d. 1899). Life path number 8
- – Paul Féval, père, French author and playwright (d. 1887). Life path number 9
- – Pauline Viardot, French soprano and composer (d. 1910). Life path number 1
- – Paul Broca, French physician, anatomist, and anthropologist (d. 1880). Life path number 4
- – Paul Kruger, South African soldier and politician, 5th President of the South African Republic (d. 1904). Life path number 9
- – Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour, French academic and politician, French Minister of Foreign Affairs (d. 1896). Life path number 6
- – Paul Heyse, German author, poet, and playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1914). Life path number 3
- – Auguste-Théodore-Paul de Broglie, French philosopher and academic (d. 1895). Life path number 22
- – Paul Du Chaillu, French-American anthropologist and explorer (d. 1903). Life path number 1
- – W. S. Gilbert, English playwright, poet, and illustrator (d. 1911). Life path number 11
- – Paul Morphy, American chess player (d. 1884). Life path number 11
- – Paul Lacôme, French pianist, cellist, and composer (d. 1920). Life path number 9
- – Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran, French chemist and academic (d. 1912). Life path number 6
- – Paul Mauser, German weapon designer, designed the Gewehr 98 (d. 1914). Life path number 8
- – Paul Cézanne, French painter (d. 1906). Life path number 5
- – Grove Karl Gilbert, American geologist and academic (d. 1918). Life path number 9
- – Paul Verlaine, French poet and educator (d. 1896). Life path number 5
- – Paul Taffanel, French flute player and conductor (d. 1908). Life path number 6
- – Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto, English soldier, academic, and politician, 36th Governor-General of India (d. 1914). Life path number 6
- – Paul Chater, Indian-Hong Kong businessman and politician (d. 1926). Life path number 9
- – Paul von Hindenburg, Polish-German field marshal and politician, 2nd President of Germany (d. 1934). Life path number 5
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- – Paul Gauguin, French painter and sculptor (d. 1903). Life path number 7
- – Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves, Brazilian politician, 5th President of Brazil (d. 1919). Life path number 8
- – Paul Bourget, French author and critic (d. 1935). Life path number 9
- – Paul-Henri-Benjamin d'Estournelles de Constant, French politician and diplomat, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1924). Life path number 4
- – Pierre Paul Émile Roux, French physician, co-founded the Pasteur Institute (d. 1933). Life path number 1
- – Paul Ehrlich, German physician and biologist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1915). Life path number 8
- – Paul Sabatier, French chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1941). Life path number 7
- – Paul Deschanel, Belgian-French politician, 11th President of France (d. 1922). Life path number 7
- – Paul Bruchési, Canadian archbishop (d. 1939). Life path number 4
- – Paul Doumer, French mathematician, journalist, and politician, 14th President of France (d. 1932). Life path number 1
- – Cass Gilbert, American architect, designed the United States Supreme Court Building and Woolworth Building (d. 1934). Life path number 22
- – Paul César Helleu, French painter and illustrator (d. 1927). Life path number 7
- – Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, Polish-German technician and inventor, created the Nipkow disk (d. 1940). Life path number 9
- – Paul Ulrich Villard, French chemist and physicist (d. 1934). Life path number 7
- – Paul Peel, Canadian painter and academic (d. 1892). Life path number 6
- – Paul Adam, French author (d. 1920). Life path number 9
- – Paul Drude, German physicist and academic (d. 1906). Life path number 1
- – Paul Signac, French painter (d. 1935). Life path number 4
- – Paul Painlevé, French mathematician and politician, 84th Prime Minister of France (d. 1933). Life path number 8
- – Paul Troje, German politician, Mayor of Marburg (d. 1942). Life path number 5
- – Paul Elmer More, American journalist, author, and critic (d. 1937). Life path number 7
- – Hermann-Paul, French painter and illustrator (d. 1940). Life path number 4
- – Paul Dukas, French composer, scholar, and critic (d. 1935). Life path number 4