Famous People With “William James Sidis”
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The epic list contains 1,791 individuals. Showing 406 - 450.
- – William Muldoon, American wrestler and trainer (d. 1933). Life path number 1
- – James Carroll Beckwith, American painter and academic (d. 1917). Life path number 3
- – William Stewart Halsted, American physician and surgeon (d. 1922). Life path number 3
- – William Ramsay, Scottish-English chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1916). Life path number 1
- – William Turner Dannat, American painter (d. 1929). Life path number 6
- – William Gillette, American actor and author (d. 1937). Life path number 3
- – John William Kendrick, American engineer and businessman (d. 1924). Life path number 5
- – James George Frazer, Scottish anthropologist and academic (d. 1941). Life path number 11
- – William Stang, German-American bishop (d. 1907). Life path number 7
- – William Alexander Smith, Scottish religious leader, founded the Boys' Brigade (d. 1914). Life path number 1
- – James Alfred Ewing, Scottish physicist and engineer (d. 1935). Life path number 4
- – William Russell Lane-Joynt, Irish target shooter and lawyer (d. 1921). Life path number 4
- – William Libbey, American target shooter, geologist, and geographer (d. 1927). Life path number 4
- – William Friese-Greene, English photographer, director, and cinematographer (d. 1921). Life path number 8
- – James S. Sherman, American lawyer and politician, 27th Vice President of the United States (d. 1912). Life path number 8
- – Daniel Hale Williams, American surgeon and cardiologist (d. 1931). Life path number 3
- – Alfred William Rich, English painter, author, and educator (d. 1921). Life path number 9
- – William Massey, Irish-New Zealand farmer and politician, 19th Prime Minister of New Zealand (d. 1925). Life path number 4
- – William Willett, English inventor, founded British Summer Time (d. 1915). Life path number 11
- – William Russell, American lawyer and politician; 37th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1896). Life path number 1
- – William Seward Burroughs I, American businessman, founded the Burroughs Corporation (d. 1898). Life path number 5
- – William A. MacCorkle, American lawyer and politician, 9th Governor of West Virginia (d. 1930). Life path number 6
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- – Williamina Fleming, Scottish-American astronomer and academic (d. 1911). Life path number 5
- – William Howard Taft, American lawyer, jurist, and politician, 27th President of the United States (d. 1930). Life path number 9
- – Ned Williamson, American baseball player (d. 1894). Life path number 1
- – Tannatt William Edgeworth David, Welsh-Australian geologist and explorer (d. 1934). Life path number 6
- – William Alden Smith, American lawyer and politician (d. 1932). Life path number 4
- – William Bliss Baker, American painter (d. 1886). Life path number 7
- – William Stephens, American lawyer and politician, 24th Governor of California (d. 1944). Life path number 7
- – William Corless Mills, American historian and curator (d. 1928). Life path number 9
- – William Ashley, English historian and academic (d. 1927). Life path number 6
- – William Jennings Bryan, American lawyer and politician, 41st United States Secretary of State (d. 1925). Life path number 1
- – James Ensor, Belgian painter (d. 1949). Life path number 5
- – James McKeen Cattell, American psychologist and academic (d. 1944). Life path number 9
- – William Kennedy Dickson, French-Scottish actor, director, and producer (d. 1935). Life path number 8
- – James Allan, New Zealand rugby player (d. 1934). Life path number 8
- – William Renshaw, English tennis player (d. 1904). Life path number 11
- – William Arms Fisher, American composer and music historian (d. 1948). Life path number 2
- – William Attewell, English cricketer and umpire (d. 1927). Life path number 7
- – William Lane, English-Australian journalist, founded New Australia (d. 1917). Life path number 22
- – William Wrigley, Jr., American businessman, founded Wrigley Company (d. 1932). Life path number 1
- – James Naismith, Canadian-American inventor of basketball (d. 1939). Life path number 6
- – William C. Durant, American businessman, founded General Motors and Chevrolet (d. 1947). Life path number 9
- – James Clark McReynolds, American lawyer and judge (d. 1946). Life path number 4
- – William Wallace Campbell, American astronomer and academic (d. 1938). Life path number 5