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Love Match Score

Birthday Compatibility Score: -67

Achu born January 6, 2010
Capricorn ♑

Amanya born June 1, 2010
Gemini ♊

Scoring Overview

A negative test score indicates discord in the relationship. The couple might be physically attracted to each other, but it is going to be rough. There might be a lot of disagreements and may even harm each other. The association will need many adjustments for it to work. Read the interpretation in the next section to find out what aspects cause harmony and discord.

A score of +20 and below indicates average harmony. This is a casual relationship from everyday people. The pair may say hi and hello to each other, but there is no deep connection between them. This is sometimes called the “friends zone.”

A score of +21 to +40 indicates greater harmony beyond friendship. A score of +41 to +60 is a sign of a good match. A score of +61 to +80 indicates general compatibility. +81 to +100 is an excellent score but is hard to find.

A score above +100 ranks high on the love compatibility meter. The pair has a lot of common grounds to enjoy. Whenever there is a conflict, the couple can easily overcome it without affecting their relationship.

A score above +200 is very rare to find. This is an extraordinary match! Both individuals are very committed to nurturing one another. Some will call this pair “soul mates.”

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Achu and Amanya’s Relationship

Amanya and Achu’s relationship is more than just Sun sign compatibility of Gemini and Capricorn. No individual is a pure Gemini or Capricorn but instead is a unique combination of signs and planets. The following interpretation defines the synastry or interplanetary aspects between the planets in Achu’s birth chart and the planets in Amanya’s birth chart. There is no evil planet in the combinations. No single combination can make or break the relationship. The list goes from the most harmonious (positive) to the most discordant (negative).

A neutral score means it can go both ways. If there are many positive elements, they can pull the neutral ones with them making the relationship a favorable one. The opposite can also happen where a lot of negative aspects can pull the neutral ones causing a general discord in the relationship.

Achu’s Sun Trines Amanya’s Mercury (+11.01 harmony) – Achu’s sense of identity, ego, will, and character combine very easily with Amanya’s mentality and powers of perception. The flow of communication between Achu and Amanya is in harmony. There is a stimulating conversation in the relationship. Amanya understands Achu’s intentions. Achu supports Amanya’s intellectual excitement. Amanya is able to discuss problems with Achu. Together they can work out a solution.

Amanya’s Mercury Trines Achu’s Venus (+9.66 harmony) – Amanya’s mentality and powers of perception combine very effortlessly with Achu’s sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy. Amanya’s communication style is in harmony with Achu’s emotions, visions, and needs. The graceful flow of tenderness from Achu makes Amanya feel exciting and sexy. There is a fascinating exchange of ideas in the relationship. This aspect is very favorable in marriage.

Achu’s Jupiter Conjuncts Amanya’s Neptune (+5.09 harmony) – Achu’s sense of growth, expansion, or generosity combines with Amanya’s sense of spirituality, imagination, or mystical inclination. Both are spiritually compatible and encourage each other to realize real goals. There is a combined tendency towards extravagance and self-indulgence.

Achu’s Mercury Trines Amanya’s Mercury (+2.99 harmony) – The individual mentality and powers of perception combine very comfortably between the couple. There is harmony in the way ideas flow naturally between Achu and Amanya. Both like playing mind games with one another. Words have magical power in the relationship. Communication is never a problem and both never run out of topics to discuss.

Amanya’s Jupiter Conjuncts Achu’s Uranus (+2.96 harmony) – Amanya’s sense of growth, expansion, or generosity combines with Achu’s sense of independence, freedom, and originality. This aspect brings out humanitarian qualities in each other. Amanya will expand Achu’s goals and creativity. Achu adds a touch of genius and excitement to Amanya’s projects. Freedom and self-expression are the primary focus of the relationship. A degree of control is needed to prevent overconfidence in Amanya or Achu.

Amanya’s Venus Trines Achu’s Uranus (+2.00 harmony) – Amanya’s sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy combines very effortlessly with Achu’s sense of independence, freedom, and originality. There is harmony that brings out the latent creative genius in each other. A mystical or glamorous aura is present in the relationship. Achu surprises Amanya in one way or another. Amanya has a pleasant way of toning down Achu’s eccentricity.

Amanya’s Sun Trines Achu’s Saturn (+0.85 harmony) – Amanya’s sense of identity, ego, will, and character combine very effortlessly with Achu’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty. There is harmony and natural respect for each other. Amanya and Achu are both willing to work out difficulties in their relationship. There is a mutual appreciation of responsibility and heartfelt commitment to one another. This aspect aids endurance in marriage.

Achu’s Venus Conjuncts Amanya’s Pluto (+0.49 harmony) – Achu’s sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy combines with Amanya’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is an intense sexual attraction in the relationship. Both share a deep emotional tie. Amanya may become possessive, jealous, and demand more intimacy than Achu is capable of giving. Times of frustration is followed by enlightenment and release.

Amanya’s Neptune Sextiles Achu’s Pluto (+0.20 harmony) – Amanya’s mystical or spiritual inclination combines pleasantly with Achu’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. The spiritual urge of Amanya stimulates the reforming urge of Achu. Both will support and encourage each other’s spiritual enlightenment. The relationship inspires each other to meet the world with compassion and grace.

Achu’s Sun Trines Amanya’s Saturn (+0.11 harmony) – Achu’s sense of identity, ego, will, and character combine very effortlessly with Amanya’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty. There is harmony and natural respect for each other. Achu and Amanya are both willing to work out difficulties in their relationship. There is a mutual appreciation of responsibility and heartfelt commitment to one another. This aspect aids endurance in marriage.

Achu’s Sun Conjuncts Amanya’s Pluto (neutral) – Achu’s sense of identity, ego, will, and character combine with Amanya’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. The fusion of traits without envy or competition can be powerful. The relationship has a natural ability to build or to destroy. If Achu and Amanya are both strong-willed, it can lead to a struggle for authority. Feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, and control are frequent problems in the relationship.

Achu’s Mercury Conjuncts Amanya’s Pluto (neutral) – Achu’s mentality and powers of perception combine with Amanya’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. Amanya can have an explosive effect on Achu’s viewpoints. Achu can expand Amanya’s range of interest in various areas of life. Amanya’s influence on Achu is stronger than Achu’s on Amanya. Amanya has a natural tendency to dominate the mind of Achu and could be ruthless in doing so.

Achu’s Uranus Conjuncts Amanya’s Uranus (neutral) – The individual sense of independence, freedom, and originality combine with ease between the couple. Both Achu and Amanya complement each other’s individuality and independence. There is mutual appreciation in the relationship. Both bring out the eccentric side of one another.

Achu’s Neptune Conjuncts Amanya’s Neptune (neutral) – The individual sense of spirituality, imagination, or mysticism combines with ease within the couple. Both Achu and Amanya share the same tastes in art, music, or religion. The relationship encourages positive traits of creativity and dreaminess. It also has the tendency to promote negative characteristics of laziness or indecisiveness in Achu or Amanya.

Achu’s Pluto Conjuncts Amanya’s Pluto (neutral) – The individual sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny combine with ease within the couple. Achu and Amanya enjoy the same cultural references. Amanya and Achu have a great time talking about the good old days since both came from the same generation.

Amanya’s Mercury Squares Achu’s Neptune (-0.30 discord) – Amanya’s mentality and powers of perception interact stressfully with Achu’s sense of spirituality, imagination, or mystical inclination. Achu’s indulgence in random thoughts can cause confusion in Amanya’s method of thinking. Both Amanya and Achu are capable of lying to each other. Achu’s willful dishonesty can lead to misunderstanding and friction in the relationship. One or both may keep secrets about past relationships as a method of self-preservation.

Achu’s Mars Conjuncts Amanya’s Mars (-0.36 discord) – The individual sexual drive, temper, and powers of self-assertion combine within the couple. Both have similar instincts regarding sex and intimacy. The tendency of action will be identical in Achu and Amanya. The same energy and desire may cause rivalry.

Amanya’s Venus Opposes Achu’s Pluto (-0.50 discord) – Amanya’s sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy confronts and challenges Achu’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is an intense and sometimes uncomfortable sexual attraction in the relationship. There is tension in dealing with issues of jealousy, possessiveness, and volatile emotions. The association may breed anger and even hatred of one another.

Amanya’s Jupiter Squares Achu’s Pluto (-2.91 discord) – Amanya’s sense of growth, expansion, or generosity interacts stressfully with Achu’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is friction in the individual aspirations, goals, and ideals. This can lead to misunderstanding or make cooperation difficult. It will be spiritually testing to Amanya.

Achu’s Saturn Conjuncts Amanya’s Saturn (-5.23 discord) – The individual sense of commitment, necessity, or duty combines with ease within the couple. Achu and Amanya share the same ideas regarding security and ambitions. Both want things to be the same way and can understand each other’s problems. This aspect can have a devitalizing effect if Achu and Amanya are a young couple who are doing the same wrong things together.

Achu’s Venus Opposes Amanya’s Venus (-5.96 discord) – The individual sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy confronts and challenges each other. Both have different romantic styles. There is tension in the different way each other expresses affection. Agreement on financial matters can be complicated. Both will occasionally challenge each other about morality, social life, or cultural sentiments. This can become a tense and uncomfortable relationship but with an active element of attraction.

Amanya’s Mars Opposes Achu’s Jupiter (-6.15 discord) – Amanya’s sexual drive, temper, and powers of self-assertion confront and challenge Achu’s sense of growth, expansion, or generosity. Amanya is rash and aggressive while Achu can be overly optimistic. There is a tendency of rivalry between Amanya and Achu. There is tension in individual ambitions.

Amanya’s Saturn Squares Achu’s Pluto (-6.49 discord) – Amanya’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty interacts stressfully with Achu’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is friction in the struggle for power and authority in the relationship. Achu being a reformer might challenge Amanya’s attitude towards responsibilities of life.

Amanya’s Uranus Squares Achu’s Pluto (-6.62 discord) – Amanya’s sense of independence, freedom, and originality interact stressfully with Achu’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is friction in spiritual goals between Amanya and Achu. The relationship is a mixture of power and rebellion. It will take a lot of work to keep the partnership firm.

Amanya’s Jupiter Opposes Achu’s Saturn (-6.72 discord) – Amanya’s sense of growth, expansion, or generosity confronts and challenges Achu’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty. There is tension in Achu’s restrictive nature and Amanya’s dreams of expansion. There can be disagreement on financial or business procedures.

Achu’s Mercury Opposes Amanya’s Venus (-6.89 discord) – Achu’s mentality and powers of perception confront and challenge Amanya’s sense of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy. There is an exciting exchange of ideas that later on can cause tension in the relationship. There may be occasional small misunderstandings between Achu and Amanya. One listening to the other is a hit or miss. Achu tends to disregard the emotional needs of Amanya. Amanya may find Achu cold and calculative.

Amanya’s Mercury Squares Achu’s Mars (-9.10 discord) – Amanya’s mentality and powers of perception interact stressfully with Achu’s sexual drive, temper, and powers of self-assertion. There is friction in Achu’s aggressive attitude and Amanya’s rational reasoning. Petty quarrels in the relationship will make getting along challenging to achieve. Amanya’s sarcasm could easily provoke Achu’s temper.

Achu’s Sun Opposes Amanya’s Venus (-10.34 discord) – Achu’s sense of identity, ego, will, and character confront and challenge Amanya’s understanding of sexuality, attraction, or intimacy. There is an attraction but also tension between Achu’s ego and Amanya’s romantic sensibilities. Both do not have the same social ideas or desires. Amanya and Achu can be emotionally confused with one another.

Amanya’s Mars Opposes Achu’s Neptune (-11.77 discord) – Amanya’s sexual drive, temper, and powers of self-assertion confront and challenge Achu’s sense of spirituality, imagination, or mystical inclination. There is tension in Achu’s elusive reaction to Amanya’s unexpected behavior. The relationship can cause emotional disturbance and extravagance in one or both.

Achu’s Saturn Squares Amanya’s Pluto (-14.84 discord) – Achu’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty interacts stressfully with Amanya’s sense of transformation, change, or power and destiny. There is friction in the struggle for power and authority in the relationship. Amanya being a reformer might challenge Achu’s attitude towards responsibilities of life.

Achu’s Saturn Opposes Amanya’s Uranus (-15.27 discord) – Achu’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty confronts and challenges Amanya’s sense of independence, freedom, and originality. There is tension between Achu’s practicality and Amanya’s innovative nature. Achu wants solidarity while Amanya wants alteration.

Amanya’s Saturn Opposes Achu’s Uranus (-15.43 discord) – Amanya’s sense of commitment, necessity, or duty confronts and challenges Achu’s sense of independence, freedom, and originality. There is tension between Amanya’s practicality and Achu’s innovative nature. Amanya wants solidarity while Achu wants alteration.

There are 5 mutual receptions in Achu and Amanya’s planet combinations. Planets in mutual reception enhance each other. This will add +50 harmony to the total score. The remaining -27.48 discord is due to some minor aspects or planets in parallel.

Recommended Reading

Achu and Amanya don’t let the discordant aspects become a discouragement. It merely indicates the level of difficulty, but it’s not impossible to overcome. A firm determination can overcome any obstacle no matter how big it is. As the saying goes “love can conquer all.”

Star Lovers ReportThis is only a quick assessment of the relationship compatibility between Achu and Amanya. If both place and time of births are known, an in-depth interpretation is available in the Star Lovers Report. Try a free sample with no obligation to buy.

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Lovescore NinjaSsshhh! Achu, don’t let Amanya know. You are most compatible with a person born on June 19, 2009. You have a whooping birthday love match score of +170 with that person. Check it out and imagine what it feels like to be with your soul mate.

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